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the Internet home of Lizzie High Dolls

Lizzie's High Buttons Gallery
Thumbnail Picture Product No. Product Name Description Issue Dates Retail Price
LH2501.jpg (51709 bytes) 2501 - ZOE loves teddies, and gives her heart freely...she never wants to grow up. Fall 1999- $62.95
LH2502.jpg (49193 bytes) 2502 - NOAH can do two things at once and is the school yard yo-yo champion...he easily entertains himself and others. Fall 1999- $59.95
LH2503.jpg (53299 bytes) 2503 - FAITH has a gentle soul and appreciates nature and all God's creatures...she wouldn't hurt a bug... Fall 1999- $56.95
LH2504.jpg (51863 bytes) 2504 - DULCIE is very curious and loves to go on nature walks...she has been known to bring home a few souvenirs. Fall 1999- $59.95
LH2505.jpg (51913 bytes) 2505 - BERNADETTE is very adventurous and loves to travel and meet new people...she always wears good walking shoes. Fall 1999- $67.50
Spring 2000
2506hb.jpg (40281 bytes) 2506 - WHITNEY is always on time, wears sensible shoes and loves to play Scrabble...her passion is books,
Spring 2000 $64.95
2507HB.JPG (34014 bytes) 2507 - GABRIELLA is a daydreamer, spends hours in the park and loves black licorice... she's very good at keeping secrets... Spring 2000 $79.95
2508HB.JPG (28255 bytes) 2508 - FELICITY sews all her clothes, prefers everything natural and bakes her own bread... her herbal teas are "heaven"... Spring 2000 $63.95
Fall 2000
2509.jpg (19213 bytes) 2509 - ELIZA ...always wears a "crazy hat", eats only vegetables, and wants to be an artist someday ... she's never without her sketch pad... Fall 2000 $62.50
2510.jpg (18880 bytes) 2510 - ANN MARIE ...never misses a birthday party, loves chocolate cake, and always wears her party hat ... she's a wiz at party games... Fall 2000 $54.95
2511.jpg (18401 bytes) 2511 - COLLETTE ...loves pretty things and fancy hats, dressing up and sweet smelling flowers ... she's very sentimental ... Fall 2000 $59.50
2512.jpg (21240 bytes) 2512 - RAMONA ...never goes anywhere without her "dolly", loves staying at Grammy's and always wants to play games ... she's the "Queen" of dominoes... Fall 2000 $67.50

Spring 2001

2513.jpg (21554 bytes) 2513 - ROSEMARY (medium brown hair) ... spends all her time nurturing her gardens now that her "little ones" are grown...she still has lots of love to give... Spring 2001 $68.95
2513a.jpg (24138 bytes) 2513  A ROSEMARY (salt-n-pepper hair) ...spends all her time nurturing her gardens now that her "little ones" are grown...she still has lots of love to give..., Spring 2001 $68.95
Fall 2001
2514.jpg (25824 bytes) 2514 - BERNICE ... loves crisp fall days, walking through crunchy leaves, caramel apples ... and spooky hayrides in the dark ... Fall 2001 $66.95
Spring 2002
2515NurseEllen.jpg (36550 bytes) 2515 - NURSE


puts in many long hours in the Emergency room helping and comforting everyone can...she's never without her coffee cup... Spring 2002 $69.95
Fall 2002
2516Celeste.jpg (35064 bytes) 2516 - CELESTE always decorates with fresh greens, designs her own Christmas cards. . . and gives only "handmade" gifts from the heart. . .  Fall 2002 $63.95
Spring 2003
2518Dr.Nan.jpg (38919 bytes) 2518 - DR. "NAN" always makes you smile, takes time to listen and hands out "happy" stickers freely…and you always leave feeling better… Spring 2003


2521Dr.Ted.jpg (38319 bytes) 2521 - DR. "TED" always makes you smile, takes time to listen and hands out "happy" stickers freely…and you always leave feeling better… Spring 2003


2522Pat.jpg (36645 bytes) 2522 - PAT is always dressed in perfect golf attire and could golf every day of the week…rain or shine Spring 2003


2523Douglas.jpg (36422 bytes) 2523 - DOUGLAS never misses a "Tee Time" and could golf every day of the week… rain or shine… Spring 2003


2522TBTrophyBase.jpg (29429 bytes) 2522 TB TROPHY BASE ONLY

Makes the doll a unique trophy for your favorite golfer.

Spring 2003 (Price was not available at time of posting)
2524Shamus.jpg (47184 bytes) 2524 - SHAMUS
The Leprechaun
always keeps an eye on his pot of gold and loves to play tricks on mortals…turn your back on him and he will vanish in an instant… Spring 2003


2525GeorgeWashington.jpg (35956 bytes) 2525 - GEORGE WASHINGTON "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen" Spring 2003


Fall 2003
2526MarthaWashington.jpg (30434 bytes) 2526 - MARTHA WASHINGTON proudly stood by her husband George, during the Revolutionary War ... to later become the Nation's First Lady in 1789. Fall


2527Rowena.jpg (35932 bytes) 2527 - ROWENA  ... cares for all her feathered friends, knows the name of every bird, and always carries a big bag of seeds ... she never lets a bird go homeless ... Fall



2528Gwyneth.jpg (32497 bytes) 2528 - GWYNETH happily gathered greens and berries to make a Christmas Basket for her Grammy ... now a homemade card will add just the right touch... Fall



Spring 2004
2529.jpg (33294 bytes) 2529 - April loves Easter egg hunts, marshmallow bunnies, singing in the church choir… and wearing her Sunday best… Spring 2004 $68.95
2529ALongabergerBunnyHutch.jpg (30355 bytes) 2529a - Bunny Hutch


Spring 2004 $18.95
Fall 2004
2530HighButtonBailey.jpg (28919 bytes) 2530 - Bailey  ... could hardly fit through the door in the Bumble Bee costume her Mama made…she just wouldn't give up her wings Fall 2004 $83.95

A Lizzie High Buttons Christmas Vignette

2531and2531AHighButtonMallorywithTree.jpg (31752 bytes)

2531 and 2531A
Mallory and Popcorn Christmas Tree
See Below!

2531HighButtonMallory.jpg (23440 bytes) 2531 - Mallory ... worked up an appetite stringing popcorn for the Christmas tree…so she simply ate some of the decorations… Christmas $76.95
2531APopcornChristmasTree.jpg (36625 bytes) 2531 A Popcorn Christmas Tree Popcorn Christmas Tree Christmas $36.95
Spring 2005
2532_Lorraine_2005.jpg (20624 bytes) 2532 - Lorraine ... loves April showers, beautiful May flowers, splashing in puddles and dancing between the raindrops… Spring 2005 $73.95
2519LittleOnegirlpatient.jpg (32044 bytes) 2519 - LITTLE ONE GIRL
always bring along a "friend for comfort" when they go to the doctor’s… Spring 2003


2520LittleOneboypatient.jpg (36972 bytes) 2520 - LITTLE ONE BOY
always bring along a "friend for comfort" when they go to the doctor’s… Spring 2003




General Information: lizzie1@bellatlantic.net

Phone: 1-800-76DOLLS

The Blank Round Face With Two Dots For Eyes Is A Registered Trademark Of Ladie And Friends, Inc.

No Multimedia Elements May Be Copied In Whole, Or In Part, 
Without First Obtaining written permission from Love Consulting

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