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the Internet home of Lizzie High Dolls



Lizzie High 2000 Doll Gallery

*Limited Quantities Available
Thumbnail Picture Product No. Product Name Description Issue Dates Theme Retail Price
1202.JPG (35141 bytes) 1202 - ADDIE HIGH (Second Edition) wants to be a nurse someday and likes to give first-aid... Buster is a most cooperative patient Spring 2000

(First Edition issued 
Spring 1987 - Fall 1996)
Nurse $59.95
1213.JPG (33155 bytes) 1213 - MARGARET BOWMAN

(Second Edition)

can't get anyone to play with her because she always wants to play school...and she always has to be the teacher. Spring 2000

(First Edition issued 
Spring 1987 - Fall 1996)
Teacher $53.95
1471.JPG (36308 bytes) 1471 - MARCIE BOWMAN Happily gathered a basket of apples for her Grammy to make a batch of apple sauce...Teddy was just along for the ride. Spring 2000 Apples for Grammy $59.95
1472.JPG (30201 bytes) 1472 - CLARA BOWMAN raises fluffy sheep and spins their yarn...she has lots of fluffy sweaters. Spring 2000 Spinning wool $47.95
1473.JPG (35154 bytes) 1473 - MABEL VALENTINE can always be found at flea markets and yard sales..."one person's trash is another person's treasure..." Spring 2000 Flea market shopper $57.95
1474.JPG (27337 bytes) 1474 - COMMUNION DOLL was lovingly surrounded by family and friends on the day she made her first communion... Spring 2000 First Communion $59.95
1474A.JPG (31892 bytes) 1474 A COMMUNION DOLL
(dark skin tone)
was lovingly surrounded by family and friends on the day she made her first communion... Spring 2000 First Communion $59.95
1475.JPG (34368 bytes) 1475 - EVELYN HIGH gathered the most eggs at the annual Easter Egg Hunt...and she didn't even use a basket... Spring 2000 Easter $45.95
1477.JPG (30848 bytes) 1477 - SHELBY VALENTINE was a perfect little lady at her first Teddy Bear Tea...she learned good manners from her Grammy... Spring 2000 Tea Party $59.95
1478.JPG (28413 bytes) 1478 - SAM AND PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL Once a 19th Century gathering to hunt and feast on groundhog has evolved into an annual weather forecasting event in Punxsutawney, PA hosted by Sam and Phil. Members from coast to coast await Phil's arrival every Feb. 2nd - shadow or not Spring is sure to come! Spring 2000 Groundhog's Day $59.95
1479.jpg (21168 bytes) 1479 - NATHAN HIGH ...always trick or treats with his sister Tina ... and she always gets to decide what they'll wear... Fall 2000 Halloween $52.95
1480.jpg (20202 bytes) 1480 - BETSEY BOWMAN ...made colorful paper chains to decorate the Christmas tree ... and once she started, she couldn't stop... Fall 2000 Christmas $65.95
1480A.jpg (21906 bytes) 1480 A MANDY BROWN ...made colorful paper chains to decorate the Christmas tree ... and once she started, she couldn't stop... Fall 2000 Christmas $65.95
1484.jpg (19485 bytes) 1484 - LOUISE VALENTINE ...is full of the Christmas Spirit, shopping, decorating, ... and caroling along the way ... Fall 2000 Christmas $64.50
1485.jpg (16652 bytes) 1485 - OLIVER BOWMAN ...is full of the Christmas Spirit, shopping, decorating, ... and caroling along the way ... Fall 2000 Christmas $59.50
1486.jpg (19920 bytes) 1486 - MELISSA HIGH ... wondered if anyone would ask her to dance at her first formal but she had nothing to worry about ... just like her father said... Fall 2000 Misc. $59.50
Civil War Series
1487.jpg (21351 bytes) 1487 - LIZZIE HIGH
loves to write and keeps her Bible close at hand…she hopes some day her letters will touch the hearts of all who read them… Fall 2000  - 
Fall 2001
Civil War $79.95
1488.jpg (21193 bytes) 1488 - ALEXANDER T. HIGH
is proud to carry the flag of the country he loves… thoughts of home and Lizzie always brighten his day… Fall 2000  - 
Fall 2001
Civil War $79.95

1490_LTD2000_Jennifer.jpg (29922 bytes)

1490 - Jennifer Bowman 2000 Limited Edition collects baskets and bears and all kinds of "treasures"…but her Lizzies are her very favorite… 2000 Basket Collector $98.95

The Little Ones 2000

1213A.JPG (33376 bytes) 1213 A THE LITTLE ONES™ ..love to be chosen to clean the blackboard erasers... Spring 2000 School Girl $33.95
1213B.JPG (31676 bytes) 1213 B THE LITTLE ONES™ ..love to be chosen to clean the blackboard erasers... Spring 2000 School Boy $33.95
1476.JPG (35043 bytes) 1476 - THE LITTLE ONES™ never miss a good Easter Egg Hunt... Spring 2000 Easter Girl $33.95
1481.jpg (19318 bytes) 1481 - THE LITTLE ONES™ ...love making Christmas decorations... Fall 2000 Christmas $34.50
1481A.jpg (20296 bytes) 1481 A THE LITTLE ONES™ ...love making Christmas decorations... Fall 2000 Christmas $34.50
1482.jpg (21016 bytes) 1482 - THE LITTLE ONES™ ...love making Christmas decorations... Fall 2000 Christmas $34.50
1482A.jpg (20598 bytes) 1482 A THE LITTLE ONES™ ...love making Christmas decorations... Fall 2000 Christmas $34.50
1483.jpg (16487 bytes) 1483 - THE LITTLE ONES™ ...can play for hours and hours... Fall 2000 Christmas $44.95

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General Information: lizzie1@bellatlantic.net

Phone: 1-800-76DOLLS

The Blank Round Face With Two Dots For Eyes Is A Registered Trademark Of Ladie And Friends, Inc.

No Multimedia Elements May Be Copied In Whole, Or In Part, 
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